The Final Frontier of Food with Chef Alan Bergo — WildFed Podcast #004

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In this episode:

Chef Alan Bergo | The Forager Chef

Podcast discussion:

  • Menomonie, WI — A town named for wild rice

  • How Alan got his start as a chef

  • Being creative every day

  • The Wild West of restaurants — Wild plants + mushrooms

  • Foraging for flavor

  • Nature’s microgreens

  • What are culinary tweezers good for?

  • Painting a new palette — Unique flavors of wild food cuisine

  • How to use vacuum seal bags to do fermentation at home

  • Sous vide

  • What types of restaurants does Alan prefer when he eats out

  • Real food, science and gimmicks

  • Plant Family Analogs

  • Cooking with meristematic seeds

  • Alan’s experience with Lyme Disease + danger in wild food foraging

  • Real plants doing real plant things

  • A newfound love of eating pigeons

  • WildFed Season 2 Sneak Peak — Wisconsin episode dinner

  • The best way to dress a wild salad

  • Where to find Alan online

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Meet Alan Bergo

photo credit: Jen Dean Photography

Alan Bergo is the Forager Chef, a leading authority on culinary uses of mushrooms and plants. Thousands follow his work at Forager | Chef – a website dedicated to wild food seasonal cooking.

A Midwestern native, Alan worked for 10 years under Italian chefs and then served as sous chef to Lenny Russo at St. Paul’s 7-time James Beard nominee Heartland. He led two restaurants as executive chef of the Salt Cellar and then at farm to table cornerstone Lucia’s in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is a consultant on everything from foraging for unique restaurant menus to how mushrooms can be used for wild things like grain-free starch fabrication and even as a condiment.

His upcoming book titled “Flora” is a study in rare and forgotten plants, herbs, vegetables, and culinary techniques.

Website | Instagram @foragerchef | Facebook

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